Man kneeling in prayer.

‘Something To Think About’ B101.5FM Radio Message – 3/8/16

Recently my 7-year-old Grandson said: “God has ears, He is alive.” Wow! What a powerful statement coming from a 7-year-old.  And it speaks volumes to the masses of people wondering if anyone – is listening? So many people feel blocked out, locked out, ignored, even invisible, because they feel that no-one – is listening to…

‘Something To Think About’ B101.5FM Radio Message

Critical People! AHHHHH! Where do I begin? Well first off, by not criticizing – critical people. Here’s the math– criticism plus criticism just brings more criticism. We all know the sting of negative criticism and critical people. Hey – I’m a songwriter and in Fulltime Ministry – I’m the perfect target for criticism. But I’ve…