Proverbs 3:13 tells us: ‘Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding.’ There are many people who are well educated, well informed, and very intelligent, yet, they have never found true Happiness. Why is this? Well, its because they’ve never found the wisdom and understanding that can only be found…
God’s word teaches us to “Keep our hearts with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.” Many people consider the head with it’s brain, to be the center and the director of human activity. But God speaks of the heart as the center. This is why Jesus tells us that He…
I have spoken with countless people over the years who have become frustrated with all the twist, turns and even detours they face on the roads of life. Although they thought they carefully plotted their course, somehow they kept ending up lost, or disappointed. God teaches us to Trust in the Lord with all of…
I was watching on the weather channel the other day on what a golfer should do if lightning begins to strike on the golf course. Their advice was to seek shelter immediately. This is exactly what God has taught us about His Word, His Name, and His presence, even in the midst of life’s most…
Are you facing a heavy decision right now? Something that has to do with perhaps a job opportunity, or something your children are going through, maybe even the possibility of having to move or relocate? We do face tough decisions. However, we have a promise in God’s word if we are walking by faith in…
God never said that those who believe in Him would never have hardship or difficulties in this life. What He did tell us however, is that in the midst of these things, He is with us, and, He has drawn a line so they can only go so far. He said: “When you pass through…
Have you been feeling burnt out, tired, weary, even overwhelmed by the day to day cares and responsibilities of this life? Without doubt, there are many things out there that can vacuum away our daily strength, and, even our joy of living. Listen to this from God’s Word: “But those who hope in the Lord…
Many people live with a sense of fear and insecurity concerning their future. They are reluctant to make plans, or even place any hope in tomorrow. And of course, there are many reasons for people to feel this way. But listen to what God says to those who have placed their faith in Him: ‘For…
A man once said: ‘Trust yourself, and then you will know how to live.’ I’m not sure if you surveyed people in addiction, or prison, or a thousand other heavy BROKEN LIFE scenarios that –that quote would ring true in their lives. However, here is an eternal quote that is 100 % fail proof. ‘Blessed…
Many people familiar with our Ministry have asked me over the years, “How have you had such tremendous success with those who have been bound my addictions and life controlling issues?” I tell them – “It’s not about changing something old, but about becoming something new. God’s word tells us: ‘When a person is in…