Name Tag

‘Something To Think About’ B101.5FM Radio Message 6/14/16


What’s in a name.

I remember as a child, my Grandmother would tell me how my first name was a big ordeal in my family when I was born. Not having a father, one person wanted to name me one thing and another something else. Growing up in New England there was a very healthy dose of name recognition in the atmosphere of our lives. From the huge professional sports franchises, to music, etc., there was a massive amount of attention given to a person’s first and last name. It was in our television sets, the afternoon radio, on the covers and backs of albums, including the posters on our bedroom walls.

Well, obviously I ended up with a name. Learning about the controversy over my first name was really no big deal, in fact it was rather amusing. However, it was when I later discovered that even my last name was not my own that I began to struggle inwardly. Questions like, “Well, who am I then?’, and, “Where do I really come from?” and many other thoughts began to negatively impact and influence my mind. It was not until many years later, that something wonderful happened that finally put everything into its proper place and perspective in my life.

‘Always trust God because He was there first.’ Click To Tweet

What really blessed me, and made a life-long difference, was finding out that God himself had formed me in my mother’s womb, and knew my name before I was ever born. Slowly I began to see that the foolish things human beings worry about, God already has perfectly and completely worked out. I also learned that my true worth and identity in this life is not about my ‘name’ but about the nature and character of the greatest name ever given to humanity, Jesus Christ, being formed in my life by the work of the Holy Spirit – through being Born Again. I no longer had to think about, worry about, or be influenced by the issues of the past or ‘what was in a name’, because now Jesus, the name above all names would provide the ultimate present and eternal identity and purpose, for my life. Speaking of Jesus, God teaches us in His word:

‘Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.’ [Philippians 2:9-11]

Always trust God because He – was there first, and when it is all over, He will be there last.

‘I am the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.’ [Revelation 22:13]

In light of this truth, when it comes to ‘What’s in a name’ – from a first name, or a last name, or any name, we can truly come to the conclusion – only one name matters. Jesus Christ the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! It is the only name given to humanity by which men can be saved. [See Acts 4:12]






  1. I, too, had struggled with my identity until I read and understood those scriptures referenced and above-mentioned. No longer do I wonder who am I… I am a child of God. Praise the Lord!

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