‘Something To Think About’ B101.5 FM Radio Message – 1/15/16


I wrote a song from an awesome verse in the Bible which says “Be still”. Think about it; Everywhere people shouting, horns honking, dogs barking, TVs blasting, alarms going off, police sirens screaming, cell phones ringing. Even if you put on noise cancelling head phones – the worrisome and anxious thoughts breakthrough and then they’re yelling at us.

Let’s face it. Other than the barking dogs, and shouting, etc., We live in a loud, mechanical and technological world filled with every conceivable kind of sound, noise, decibel level, and distraction, drive you crazy, potential. And the greatest designed ear plugs and head phones will not ever fully drown out the sounds, both external and internal, that flow out of this life.

But in the midst off all this, God calls us to a quiet place, a supernatural place and He speaks these words of peace into our hearts – “Be still.”

The question is, will we take a few quiet moments to hear His voice. This is so key to not only hearing this divine call, but also truly experiencing what it means to actually live, move and breathe in the stillness of God’s Presence.

'There is no noise on earth that can penetrate the silent beauty of His presence.' Share on X

I have spoken to tens of thousands of people over these many years of ministry. I have heard from folks who have shared with me all the different methods and approaches they have tried to utilize in order to find that place of stillness, quietness, and inner peace. Sadly, however, the conclusion to all of these stories, is their admitting that it just didn’t work. A common denominator in these many stories is that it seemingly worked for ‘awhile’, but eventually the ‘feeling’ that they had, diminished and disappeared.

This is, and has always been, the difference between the methods, ideas and approaches of this world, and that which flows out of the unfailing love of God for us. When it comes to a genuine, real, and lasting peace, quietness and stillness of heart, only the supernatural offer and promise of God will, not only work – but last. And not just last in this life, but last forever.

Jesus said: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27).

In this world there is chaos, noise, confusion, and distractions at constant, sometimes ear piercing, and even heart piercing, ultra high volume levels, but there is no noise on earth that can penetrate the silent beauty of His presence.

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  1. What a powerful message that never gets old. It is so refreshing and it truly testifies that God’s never fails us even though we tend to fail Him.

  2. The Lord impressed Psalm 46:10 on my heart at a crisis point in my life. It says “Be still and know that I am God”. A comment in my bible caused me to look at this verse in a new light. It said “Be still is a rebuke, a call to cease from personal efforts and submit to God. When we do, the Lord is with us, and God is our refuge.” I have learned that when we stop trying to do things our way and submit it to God, true peace comes. The second part of this verse is often overlooked. It says “I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted among the earth”! The world is watching Christians go thru trials. When we learn to be still and submit to God, He is exalted! Thank you pastor, for reminding me of this important truth!

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