'joy' tagged posts (Page 249)

“Think On These Things” B101.5FM Radio Message 12/10/17

Does the carpet need vacuuming, steam cleaning, or replacing? There are many people who want to see change take place in their lives, the question is, what steps are they taking in order to bring about that change? If we vacuum over the stains, the stains will remain. If you steam clean over the stains,…

“Think On These Things” B101.5FM Radio Message 12/6/17

Sadly, many people are walking away from religion, feeling it was inadequate to meet their needs, or, blaming religion for the woes and problems of the world. The truth will only be found and experienced, when we separate religion, from a genuine relationship with God. Not based on made man traditions, but upon the unchanging…

“Think On These Things” B101.5FM Radio Message 12/3/17

What is the secret of living a great life, even when the proverbial chips are down? It is found in this verse: Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, Rejoice! This Jubilant command came from The Lord’s Apostle Paul, who lived in difficult days, filled with persecution, where justice depended upon the emotions…

“Think On these things” B101.5FM Radio Message 12/2/17

No-one escapes the storms of life. They are real and they are inevitable. The winds of pain, sorrow, rejection, affliction, even death will blow into all of our lives. These are inescapable realities that face all of human life. The key is not to face them alone, and without the power and comfort of God’s…