'blessing' tagged posts (Page 233)

“Think On These Things” B101.5FM Radio Message 5/22/18

When we see murder and violence in this world, we can’t help but try and fix the blame upon a person, an ideology, even the object that is used to bring the violence. But Jesus taught us that behind it all, lies the true source; He said our enemy the devil is the ‘Thief that…

“Think On These Things” B101.5FM Radio Message 5/21/18

There are many kinds of lights and many things that give light. Flashlights, lamp lights, candle light, just to name a few, including sun light. But they are all limited in their overall ability to bring true, constant and all penetrating light, Even the sun does not cover all the shadows and enclosed things. There…

“Think On These Things’ B101.5FM Radio Message 5/20/18

Here is one of the most profound, yet often overlooked scriptures in the word of God: The Disciples left, went into the city and found things just as Jesus had told them..’ Anyone who has served the Lord for any significant length of time finds out these words to be among the most powerful and…

“Think On These Things” B101.5FM Radio Message 5/19/18

Being in the Ministry, people have asked me over the years how I would define a hypocrite. That’s a question I think is best answered by Jesus Himself. Jesus said: “Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written: “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far…

“Think On These Things’ B101.5FM Radio Message 5/18/18

Do you know it is very possible to marvel over the magnificence of the shape, size or structure of the Church you attend, yet absolutely miss the magnificence of Jesus Himself, the Lord of the Church? Listen to this: One day ‘As Jesus was leaving the temple, one of His disciples said to him, “Look,…

“Think On These Things” B101.5FM Radio Message 5/17/18

Do you have a situation in your life so large and heavy that it seems as impossible as moving a mountain? Jesus said: ‘Truly I tell you, if you say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and do not doubt in your heart, but believe what you say will happen, it will…

“Think On These Things” B101.5FM Radio Message 5/16/18

One of the greatest places of neglect and forfeited opportunities that speak to our blessings and benefit – is the place called prayer! Many have asked me over the years; “Where and when do you find the time to pray?” My response is always the same, let’s look at the example of Jesus Himself: ‘Very…

“Think On These Things” B101.5FM Radio Message 5/15/18

Here is something about the power of forgiveness. Did you know that un-forgiveness toward others will not only limit and negatively effect our prayers, but is also a condition upon God forgiving us? Jesus said: “And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in Heaven may…

“Think On These Things” B101.5FM Radio Message 5/14/18

One day while Jesus was speaking and teaching, some people began to say: ‘Isn’t this the carpenter, Mary’s son? Aren’t his brothers and sisters here with us? And they took offense at him.’ Because the world hates true truth, or wants to spin out it’s own truth, it will always try to devalue and degrade…

“Think On These Things” B101.5FM Radio Message 5/13/18

It would be impossible to calculate the amount of precious time lost, away from children, family and loved ones, all in the effort to get more, gain more, have more and be more. In the effort to gain security, many have even compromised their own integrity through greed driven ambition and well masked insecurity. But…