Many people are very familiar with investing and making investments. We can see from our nations history that some work out well, while others are a disaster. Either way, at the end of life, even the best investments do not pay dividends in eternity.
But when you invest your heart and life into the Kingdom of God, then even the very tears you cry, become an investment into eternal joy and gladness:
‘They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.’ [Psalm 126:5]
In fact, all through the word of God, we see the great and unfailing benefit of sowing a seed into the soil of helping, serving, and blessing others, or just simply believing and embracing something God is pointing out to us. All of this is seen by God as making an investment into His Kingdom. And God does not have ‘charts and graphs’ made up of ‘ups and downs’. There are no bull markets or bear markets with God. Each and every time it is a 100% guarantee that a person will reap whatever they sow. If you sow good seed, you will reap a great harvest. If you sow bad seed, you will reap a bad harvest. With God, the return is not based on a maybe, or the advice of a stock broker. It is fully based on the pure and perfect value of His word.
‘Faith is the greatest investment a human being could ever make.’ Click To Tweet‘Be not deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.’ [Galatians 6:7]
Faith is the greatest investment a human being could ever make. It not only pays amazing and unfailing dividends here on earth, but it also continues to provide rewards deep into eternity. God’s word tells us:
‘Whatever God does, it shall be forever.’ [Eccl 3:14]
Please leave a reply or a comment on how investing in God’s Kingdom has been a blessing to your life.