I used to love the Charlie Brown ‘trick or treat’ special. When the children went to the door, everyone got some candy, everyone but Charlie Brown that is. Charlie brown would say, ‘All I got was a rock.’
Have you ever felt that way? Everyone else gets the candy, and all you get is the rock? There are so many people today who deal with the very real and painful tragedy of being overlooked, rejected, or just simply always left out. From having a sibling in the house that was the definite ‘favorite’, to not being picked for the sports teams at recess (until last, if at all), right up into being ignored, made fun of or laughed at by the boys, or the girls as teenagers, all the way into the injustice of being overlooked for a well earned promotion or job because of a million ‘wrong’ reasons, and so on.
It is a very difficult thing to be subjected to this reality because it forms a heart condition that becomes at first broken, then hardened. Without going into all the particulars of where this can lead people in their lives and relationships, suffice it to say that without a true and genuine healing of the heart and mind, this is a dilemma that never just ‘fades away’ on its own.
‘Have you ever felt that everyone else gets the candy, and all you get is the rock? Click To TweetThis healing may be sought in different avenues and arenas of hope, but time after time they come up empty, many times even contributing to the sadness, not alleviating it. There is only one place that true healing and freedom from this pain, and these issues, can be found, and that is in the everlasting love and arms of the Living God:
‘Though my father may forsake me, the Lord will receive me.’ [Psalm 27:10]
‘Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.’ [Isaiah 49:15-16 ] {Think about the cross!}
‘I have loved you with an everlasting love, I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.’ [Jeremiah 31:3]
Quite extraordinary, how the people and personalities of the world, who inflicts these injuries upon people to begin with, then work overtime to keep us from God, outlaw Him, mock Him, and tempt us to forget Him. Yet, He is the only place of true love, peace, healing and victory. Sounds like they are attempting to do to Him what they have done to others. But, to no avail:
‘Be not deceived, God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap.’ [Galatians 6:7]
I received a rock in my life, far better than all the money, fame, attention, or candy in the world. His name is Jesus, the True Rock and Chief Cornerstone. This is the Rock we all need!
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