Have you ever said something you wish you didn’t say – or did something you wished you didn’t do? Well here’s some good news. Aren’t you glad it’s not the last thing you’re ever going to say – or the last thing you’re ever going to do? The mistakes of the past are just that, mistakes of the past. If we realize we’ve said and done things we regret, let’s just stop saying and doing those things.
In the Bible, we read of many men and women who made terrible and sinful mistakes. From selfishness and greed, lying and cheating, to adultery and murder. Yet in each case we see the heart and hand of God reaching out to provide forgiveness and a pathway to restoration, healing, and fresh strength and inspiration to move forward with a right heart and mind. And when God moves us forward, He certainly does not relegate people who have been forgiven to a life of drudgery, labor, guilt, and constant punishment. In fact, quite the contrary is the case. Many went on to do great and mighty things and exploits in their lifetime and in their generation.
Remember when Peter denied knowing the Lord? Those actions and words caused him to weep bitterly. But thank God the Lord forgave him, and He’ll forgive us too. Just ask him.
All I deserved for the life I lived, was a life full of emptiness. Click To TweetIn my own life, I have experienced the great unfailing love and mercy of the Lord. In the natural, all I deserved for the life I lived was a life full of emptiness, loneliness, guilt, regret, and daily sadness. But by His grace, just the opposite is true. God has blessed and used my life in ways that I never could have dreamed, hoped for, or ever imagined. There is family, joy, ministry, music, friendship, grandchildren, and so much to look forward to, that a thousand pages would not suffice to try and cover it all.
Perhaps you too are in need of God’s great love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness. Maybe you feel there is no hope, it’s too late, or you don’t deserve a second chance. I’m sure Peter felt that way also. If anyone felt like it was too late it was Peter. After all, after he denied the Lord, the Lord was crucified and died on the cross. Talk about no hope!
But the good news of the gospel is that Jesus rose from the dead. And did you know that when the women came to the tomb and found out that Jesus was alive, they actually spoke to an angel, and on behalf of the Lord, the first person he asked for by name was Peter.
“And entering the tomb, they saw a young man clothed in a long white robe…he said to them, “Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He is risen, He is not here…But go tell His disciples and Peter that He is going before you into Galilee; there you will see Him, as He said to you.” (Mark 16:5-7)
With Jesus, there is always hope, it’s never too late, and there is always a second chance. Like Peter, let’s move on and help change the world, because – God’s love never fails!