Babe Ruth

‘Something To Think About’ B101.5 FM Radio Message – 1/8/16


Babe Ruth said: “Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.”

Wow – what an amazing statement for Babe Ruth to make. He knew there’d be strikes – but he also knew there’d be another home run. This speaks of more than just his awesome talent as a baseball player, it also speaks of the attitude of his heart and mind.

In life – there’ll be strikes – even – strike outs. But that’s not the end of the game, or the end of the story.

I remember being a kid and loved playing baseball. Whether stick ball on the streets or baseball at the park. And there is a vivid memory in my mind. When ever it was just us kids, whether it was strikes, hits, homers, or whatever, it was all part of the fun, and never really gave it much thought, we just did it. But one day, my grandmother, who raised me until I was 12, came to the park to watch us play. When I got up to bat, the first pitch was a strike. I was devastated. I wanted to impress her so bad, but all I heard was the ball landing in the catcher’s glove behind me, and my heart falling to the ground below me. I wanted to disappear. But when I looked over at her, she was clapping her hands and yelling “Great swing David, wait for your pitch, you’ll get it.” All of a sudden, my heart crawled back up into my chest and started beating again. The second pitch strike 2, I was equally devastated, but she was still clapping, shouting and encouraging. Third pitch I slammed a double and drove in a homerun. I can’t even remember running to second base, all I could think about was ‘Gram’ seeing all this happen.

I learned a huge lesson about the power of encouragement that day. I think it’s what ‘The Great Bambino’ had in mind every time he swung and missed. And his words have encouraged thousands of players ever since.

But in my life, I have learned an even greater lesson. The true blessing – is getting the amazing privilege of just getting up to bat. There are massively great players who never had The Babe’s name or his record – but to them – the shear joy of playing, swinging, trying, shooting for the stars, swinging, and trying again, is what mattered most. The greater lesson and blessing is getting up to bat, means we’re alive, and every strike get’s us closer to a home run, whether in the game of baseball, or the great adventure of life.

'A strike, a homer, a grand slam-just keep swinging-'cause it's all part of the great blessing of being alive.' Click To Tweet

Jesus said: “I have come to give you life, and that you might have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10).

Be a blessing to everyone who visits our site. Share a story of when you experienced a ‘Strike’ – or – even a ‘Strike Out’ – yet you kept ‘Swinging’ your way to Victory. Your experience will truly be an inspiration to others!


  1. Thank you for this word of encouragement! I was just coming into my 20s and on my way to a Wednesday night church service when CRASH, BAM! I was hit head on by a vehicle twice the size of my little car. Rescue crews had to cut me out, and said it was a miracle I was alive. I give all glory to GOD! I came out with minor injuries but had a very sore body. It took 3 months to go back to work. I felt so discouraged. I was so young, but physically hurting so bad. But, God is so good, because slowly but surely, I did regain my strength through the constant encouragement and prayers of my family and friends.

  2. What a beautiful, vivid and necessary reminder to all of us to reflect on the goodness of God and the power of prayer!

  3. David Hirsch (Author)

    Thank you for this amazing and inspirational message! It reminds all of us of the un-surpassing power of God’s greatness and faithfulness, combined with the power of love and prayer!! God’s Love Never Fails!

  4. Amen. Life isn’t easy, disappointment and discouragement happens. But it’s how we handle them that makes a difference. With trust and faith, disappointment becomes His appointment and being discouraged is replaced with encouragement. We have to have faith. We have to be courageous, be watchful & stand firm and remain strong. His strength in our times of weakness. Thank you for reminding us, through God’s faithfulness …we can handle each strike because that homerun is coming soon. Glory to God!

  5. Growing up, I’ve always felt like an outcast. Whether it was not wearing the nicest clothes or living in an apartment or not having any friends at school. I’d never fit into any place. Even when I tried, I was always rejected. I had low self esteem.
    The summer that I’d graduated, my brother finally got me to come to church. Praise the Lord! Immediately girls my age came up to me.. to ME!! The girl who never had any friends, that was always by herself. They wanted to know all about me, they wanted my phone number, they wanted to hang out with me! That was one of the main reasons I came back. Not only the girls my age but other members talked to me as well. On the car ride home that night, my mind was going in a thousand different directions. I just couldn’t believed what I had just experienced. In other words…my mind was blown! One thought that kept popping in my head was that, I finally have a place where I can go and be a part of something and how did this happen to me?
    A little over 6 years later, I’m still going to that church. And I still have friendships with those same girls from that night. And the reason why all of that happened is because God loves me!
    Throughout those years there have been nonstop love and encouragement from my church family. And it all stems from their relationship with God!! To be totally honest, everyday since that night I’ve felt encouraged. Whether it was a person speaking into my life or a kind action I saw between two people or reading that verse that you know God had placed in your heart for your current circumstance, everyday I’m encouraged! I’m so thankful for that!!! I’m thankful for all that God had done for me!!! All the Glory to God!!

  6. The day I walked into God’s hand is the day my real testimony begins. I walked away from influences and experiences that could have had very dire consequences. Has my journey been easy, no, but it has been peaceful, prepared and my steps have been laid out before me. Even right now as I go through heavy family issues my God has given me the peace and love to handle each strike that comes my way. Just as I cry out about love lost God puts his loving arms around me sets my eyes toward my church family and shows me what real love should be. Unconditional, undemanding, full and complete! My Pastor always says at the end of every message, “God’s love never fails”, oh how correct and on point he is. It never has, it never will. Each strike of the enemy truly prepares me for every home run of my God. Didn’t every strike of the whip prepare us for Jesus’ forgiveness, mercy and unending love! Thank you Father God, thank you Pastor Dave and thank you church family for the love of a true family!!

    • David Hirsch (Author)

      I loved your word here Lorraine. Encouraging, insightful, and blessed! Thanks so much. I know it will help and inspire many.

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