Blog Post (Page 312)

Man kneeling in prayer.

‘Something To Think About’ B101.5FM Radio Message – 3/8/16

Recently my 7-year-old Grandson said: “God has ears, He is alive.” Wow! What a powerful statement coming from a 7-year-old.  And it speaks volumes to the masses of people wondering if anyone – is listening? So many people feel blocked out, locked out, ignored, even invisible, because they feel that no-one – is listening to…

‘Something To Think About’ B101.5FM Radio Message

Critical People! AHHHHH! Where do I begin? Well first off, by not criticizing – critical people. Here’s the math– criticism plus criticism just brings more criticism. We all know the sting of negative criticism and critical people. Hey – I’m a songwriter and in Fulltime Ministry – I’m the perfect target for criticism. But I’ve…

‘Something To Think About’ B101.5FM Radio Message – 3/2/16

We’ve all heard the term, ‘Just keep it Simple.’ Well, perhaps in many situations that may be the right approach, but the truth is, not everything in life is simple. In fact, there are many things that are extremely difficult, complex, difficult, and complicated. The question is, how do we keep complicated things – simple?…


‘Something To Think About’ B101.5FM Radio Message – 2/27/16

  They say that Misery loves company. Maybe that’s true. But in my line of work, I’ve found that Misery – needs to be replaced! Sadly, there are many people who either knowingly, or unknowingly ‘contribute’ to the misery that people struggle with. This can happen through participating in behaviors that intensify their despair. For…