“Think On These Things” B101.5FM Radio Message 8/17/24

Many wonder why we see so much sorrow, depression, even hopelessness in the world.

One of the common denominators that leads to all of that is seeing the Things, Narratives and perspectives that people run after in order to find some sense of peace or normalcy apart from God.

God’s word lovingly warns us of this destructive maze by telling us in Psalm 16

“The sorrows of those who run after another god shall multiply”

You see – Anything we look to other than the One true God for Blessing, Joy, even peace – is just a substitute that has no substance, power or ability to help us in any way.

But Those who seek the Lord – their heart Rejoices!

"The sorrows of those who run after another god shall multiply" Click To Tweet

Why? Because God’s Love Never Fails.’


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