Man kneeling in prayer.

“Think On These Things” B101.5FM Radio Message 7/2/24

Don’t let fear ‘interfere’ with the things you want to do in life.

If you want to do something – God can help you do it. If you want to Pray for change here in America or in the world – Don’t be afraid to Pray –

If there’s someone in your life or Church that you are wanting to help or bless – then don’t let fear hold you back – God will guide your heart and steps..

All things are possible with God – never let fear – of anything else – keep you from being a blessing – and – living a blessed and joyful life.

With Jesus in our lives – fear cannot inter-‘fere’

Never let fear – of anything else – keep you from being a blessing – and – living a blessed and joyful life. Click To Tweet

God’s perfect love casts out all fear.



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