“Think On These Things” B101.5FM Radio Message 6/25/24

We see many Churches that are closing down or closing their doors.

Many wonder how something like this can even take place? Why and how can a Church close down?

There’s many reasons for this kind of thing – and this spot certainly doesn’t have the time to go into it in fullness.

However – here’s one reason: The Scripture tells us:

‘Unless the Lord builds the house, They Labor in vain who build it,’

Many Ministries have crumbled because they were built upon the sand of human ambition, greed, Marketing strategies, or embracing a world view and so much more.

But God has promised that when we build upon the Rock of His Word Nothing can bring that House down. WHY?

‘Unless the Lord builds the house, They Labor in vain who build it,’ Click To Tweet

Because God’s Love Never Fails


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