“Think On These Things” B101.5FM Radio Message 6/12/24

With the fast pace of life – rising prices – and the ever increasing anxiety in the world – Thank God we have His Word to guide, strengthen and comfort us in the midst of it all..

God tells: ‘Do not Fret… Trust in the Lord and do Good… Commit your way to the Lord… Trust in Him… Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him… Cease from anger and forsake wrath – Do not Fret – it only causes harm…’

My friends – when You have Jesus in your heart – everyone of these Word’s become real and active in your life…

'Do not Fret… Trust in the Lord and do Good…' Click To Tweet

And God always tells us: ‘Do Not Fret – Do Not Be afraid – and that He will always uphold us…’

How? Because God’s Love Never Fails


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