“Think On These Things” B101.5FM Radio Message 8/25/24

Many people have ask me how I pray for this country and other Nations:

Well, one of my prayers, is something I simply read from Psalm 67:1-4

I Pray: ‘God be merciful to us and bless us, –And cause His face to shine upon us, 

That ‘Your way’ may be known on earth, -‘Your salvation’ among all nations.

Let the peoples praise You, O God; – Let all the peoples praise You.

Oh, let the nations be glad and sing for joy! – For You shall judge the people righteously,- And govern the nations on earth. 

In Jesus Name – Amen!’

It Pleases God when we Pray for the Salvation of people and Nations

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Because in His Glorious Salvation – God’s Love Never, Ever Fails


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