“Something To Think About” B101.5FM Radio Message 12-26-16

We’ve all heard the term, “Just keep it simple.” Well, perhaps in many situations that may be the right approach, but the truth is, not everything in life is simple. In fact, there are many things that are extremely difficult, complex, difficult, and complicated.

The question is, how do we keep complicated things – simple? Well, there is only one way – and that’s bringing the complex issues of this life to the help and eternal wisdom – of God.

Think of it this way, the combined complications of the entire world, are easier than a 1+1=2 equation to Him. We are all limited by, and subjected to the reality and abilities of our human minds. There is only so far we are ever going to be able to go. Mankind stretches to reach the planets, God created the unending universes. We marvel at the beauty and landscapes of mountains, oceans, rolling hills, valleys, forests, and so much more. God spoke them all into being.

The combined complications of the world are easier than a 1+1=2 equation to God. Click To Tweet

God tells us to cast all of our burdens – upon Him. He knows there are times in this life when circumstances require a much greater power and wisdom than our own. Even now as you are reading this message, you may be in need of divine and perfect counsel. Why stay stuck in the limited ability of earthly understanding and intellect? Don’t hold back, God will help you, but you must look to Him, reach out to Him, and ask Him for His help. As you do, you now move beyond all earthly limitation into the unlimited realm of the eternal God. Jesus made us a powerful promise concerning His Holy Spirit:

“But when He, the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth.” [John 16:13]

Don’t let the complexities of this life either weigh you down, or slow you down. Rise up with wings as eagles and soar in the atmosphere of God. Some things in life will just simply not be simple. But with God, He tells us:

“I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn darkness into light before them and make the rough ways smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them.” [Isaiah 42:16]



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