Acts of kindness

“Something To Think About” B101.5FM Radio Message 11/26/16

One of the greatest things we can ever do for someone – is a simple act – of Kindness. It’s been said that “Kindness is the language which deaf can hear and blind can see.”

I’ve learned over the years that God uses simple acts of kindness in the most amazing ways. A smile, a kind word, a listening ear, a helping hand, a compliment. And kindness is a universal language that was created by God Himself. Everyone from everywhere understands, needs, and appreciates kindness.

I often marvel at the lack of kindness in the world today. Not that it is completely missing, but how little of it you actually see manifested on a daily basis. Recently while travelling, my wife and I were amazed at the absolute expressions of kindness we were seeing and receiving. From drivers on the roads, to waiters and waitresses in restaurants, to folks working at the stores we were visiting. Of course our dialogue was, “Wow, people here are so nice and kind.” Which led me to think of how often we don’t see or experience that kind of blessing everywhere.

Kindness is a universal language created by God Himself. Click To Tweet

So what shall we do? Simple! Be kind, to everyone everywhere. When a person, one person at a time, makes up their mind to be kind – things, attitudes, and people change. It’s not enough to notice, or complain about the lack of kindness today. We have to resolve in our hearts that we want to demonstrate the courtesy, dignity, and blessing of kindness.

And remember, it’s the small, simple, and easy things that we can all do that really make all the difference in the world. Why? Because being kind is an act of love. God taught us in His word that ‘Love – is kind.’ And God takes notice of those who operate in Love, because Love is what God is! If you want to change things for the better, act like God!

Send in a comment on an act of kindness that you recently witnessed or one that blessed your life.


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