‘Something To Think About’ B101.5FM Radio Message 6/10/15


Little things – big consequences / Small Spark – Big Fire.

J.C. Ryle said: “A small leak will sink a great ship. A small spark will kindle a great fire. A little sin will ruin an immortal soul.”

Jesus taught us that it’s the little fox that can ruin the entire vineyard. As many of you know, in the eighties and nineties, I ran a Christ-centered program working to bring drug addicts, alcoholics, gang bangers, etc., to wholeness and healing in their lives through the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Nearly 100% of the thousands of people that we have worked with over the years all trace their addictions back to what they considered to be ‘a small thing’ or a ‘harmless thing’. That small joint, a can of beer, a puff on that first cigarette, one little line of cocaine, the first peak at that erotic magazine etc. – all leading to full blown addiction, broken families, and ruined lives.

We must all look closely at our lives, our thoughts and our actions, to make sure that there are no small leaks, sparks, or sins that can sink, burn, or ruin us. The worst fire in U.S history burned nearly four million acres, and claimed 1500 lives, all started by a ‘small’ fire left unattended. Think about it!

‘You know inwardly it is something that needs to be extinguished before it is too late.’ Click To Tweet

Even now, the Holy Spirit is speaking to you about that seemingly ‘small thing’ in your life. You know inwardly it is wrong, and you also know that it is something that needs to be extinguished before it’s too late. We cannot overcome these things in our own strength or through human might or ‘will power’. It necessitates a power far greater than us, and far greater than all that we are struggling with. That power is the power of God’s Holy Spirit.

‘Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord Almighty.’ [Zechariah 4:6]

God stands ready in pure and Holy Love to avail all that He has to help, assist, bless, and free you from anything that has control over your life. From the little things, to that which has progressed into a personal nightmare. When you give it to God, you will wake up!








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